As you get older it is easy to think that you are stuck in a job and are not able to get out of it and go into another career, but this is often not the case. The biggest stumbling block that often stops people from retaining is finances. It may be that you already earn a good amount of money but don’t enjoy what you do. You may not be eligible for a huge amount of help towards the cost of going to university or college but you do need to consider how important job satisfaction is. Often there are times in your life when it may not be convenient to change jobs and then there are other times when you think you would be able to afford to go back to study. Many people do part time degree courses which can take 5-6 years. This allows them to still work but to also work towards their new qualification.
If you do want a career change, many think about if any of your skills or existing qualifications could be transferred into a different job. Doing this may give you the job satisfaction you need but without you having to go back to study again.